All functions |
Wrapper to run single-trait fine-mapping with FINEMAP on each trait, followed by flashfm and then constuct SNP groups for each approach and summarises results |
Wrapper to run single-trait fine-mapping with JAMexpandedCor.multi on each trait, followed by flashfm and then constuct SNP groups for each approach and summarises results |
Wrapper to run single-trait fine-mapping with JAMexpandedCor.multi on each trait, followed by flashfm (using fast approximation version) and then constuct SNP groups for each approach and summarises results |
List of FINEMAP config file contents for two simulated traits |
Formats flashfm output to table format |
internal function for multibeta, modified from JAM_PointEstimates_Package_Simplified of R2BGLiMS package (Paul Newcombe) |
internal function for multibeta, modified from JAM_PointEstimates_Package_Simplified of R2BGLiMS package |
Expanded version of JAM (a single-trait fine-mapping approach) that first runs on thinned SNPs and then expands models on tag SNPs; this can run independently on multiple traits |
Expanded version of JAM (a single-trait fine-mapping approach) that first runs on thinned SNPs and then expands models on tag SNPs; this can run independently on multiple traits |
Expanded version of JAM (a single-trait fine-mapping approach) that first runs on thinned SNPs and then expands models on tag SNPs; this can run independently on multiple traits This version is more stable than JAMexpandedCor.multi, but slower, so is run only if JAMexpandedCor.multi fails |
Output from JAMexpanded.multi for two simulated traits |
Vector of samples sizes for two simulated traits |
Approximate effective sample size from GWAS of related samples |
Summarise PP and MPP results from single-trait fine-mapping and flashfm, by SNP and by SNP group |
estimates cross-product of each SNP with one trait |
variance of model residuals for trait T1 at all models that have joint effect estimates |
variance of model residuals for trait T1 at model index imod |
Internal function, Vx.hat |
Simulated genotype matrix used to generate two traits |
Accessors for groups objects |
internal function for calcAdjPP for that gives list of covariance matrix of residuals for all trait pairs |
Construct a credible set for each trait and under each of single and multi-trait fine-mapping |
Best models from a snpmpd object by cpp or maximum number of models - modification of best.models from GUESSFM by Chris Wallace |
Best SNPs |
List of vectors of single-SNP effects (GWAS) for two simulated traits |
calculate max or min of subset of a matrix |
Calculate approximate Bayes' factor (ABF) |
Calculates trait-adjusted posterior probabilities for all traits at sharing parameter kappa |
covariance between residuals of a pair of models for a trait pair |
internal function for calcAdjPP for the 2-trait case |
internal function for calcAdjPP that gives constant term for delta |
internal function for calcAdjPP for a pair of traits |
Convert from old definitions of groups, tags classes to new |
Thin genotype correlation matrix for JAM input |
Correlation Matrix to Covariance Matrix Conversion |
Covariance matrix for two simulated traits |
Construct a credible set for a trait |
Vector of rsids for causal variants of two simulated traits |
internal function for expanding models by tag SNPs in JAMexpanded.multi |
Wrapper to run FINEMAP (Benner et al. 2016) in R |
Marginal PP for models of a set of traits, sharing information between the traits |
Key input for flashfm - constructs snpmod object list and joint effect estimates list for all trait if have external single trait fine-mapping results |
Output from running FLASHFMwithJAM on the simulated dataset in this package |
Output from FLASHFMwithFINEMAP for two simulated traits |
Find SNP group ids for a set of SNPs |
Group SNPs; adapted from group.multi by Chris Wallace |
Group focused class for holding information about sets of SNPs defined by their mutual LD |
List of GWAS data.frames for each of the two simulated traits; format of z files of FINEMAP |
logsum |
Sample size information needed for flashfm |
Sample size information needed for flashfm, when samples are related and have effective sample sizes for each trait |
Make SNP groups using fine-mapping information from all of the traits |
Make two sets of SNP groups using fine-mapping information from all of the traits using two sets of results and maps the names between them |
internal function makemod |
Convert genotype score data to plink ped-map format |
internal function marg.snps |
internal function marg.snps.vec |
Marginal PP for models sharing information between traits |
internal processing function for JAMexpanded.multi |
Using summary statistics, calculates joint effect estimates |
overlap |
Class to hold results of pp.nsnp |
internal function for |
Vector of RAFs from the simulated genotype matrix X used to generate two traits |
Thin genotype matrix for JAM input |
internal function for makeplink |
Show |
Check whether a snp is in a snppicker, groups or tags object |
Details of SNPs from the simulated genotype matrix X used to generate two traits |
Class to hold data relating to multiple models fitted to SNP data |
Class to hold results of snp.picker algorithm |
Summaries |
Summary statistics needed for flashfm input |
tag |
internal function for expanding models by tag SNPs in JAMexpandedCor.multi |
Tags focused class for holding information about sets of SNPs defined by their mutual LD |
Create a union of groups, snppicker or tags objects |
Mean vector for two simulated traits |