Expanded version of JAM (a single-trait fine-mapping approach) that first runs on thinned SNPs and then expands models on tag SNPs This version starts at a low upper bound for max causal variants and decides on max upper bound based on data
ybar = 0,
Vy = 1,
cred = 0.99,
maxcv = 1,
maxcv_stop = 20,
jam.nM.iter = 1,
extra.java.arguments = NULL
data.frame with 3 columns named: rsID, beta, EAF
genotype correlation matrix (reference or from sample)
trait mean; if trait is transformed to be standard Normal, set ybar = 0, which is default
trait variance; if trait is transformed to be standard Normal, set Vy = 1, which is default
sample size for trait; recommended to give effective sample sizes using GWAS summary statistics in Neff function
probability for credible set; default is 0.99
path to save JAM output files; tmp files and could delete these later e.g. save.path=paste0(DIRout,"/tmpJAM/region1").
starting value for maximum number of causal variants
maximum value to consider for maximum number of causal variants; maxcv_stop >= maxcv.
in millions, number of iterations to use in JAM; defailt 1 (1 million)
A character string to be passed through to the java command line. E.g. to specify a different temporary directory by passing "-Djava.io.tmpdir=/Temp".
List of credible set variants with their MPP, MPP for all variants, PP for all models